Thursday 3 November 2011

First time

Selalu ada saat pertama untuk segala sesuatu. Langkah pertama, kata pertama, kue pertama, blogging untuk pertama kalinya ^_^.
Pertama kali buat cupcake pake resep mamon cake dari Irene Susianto. Itu juga pertama kalinya ngedekor kue pake fondant. Disainnya nyonto dari hasil browsing di Google.
Prosesnya ternyata nga semulus yang direncanakan. Cupcakenya overflow, kepenuhan pas ngisi..duuuh... Terus ngewarnain fondant juga nga semudah kalo liat di buku ato di web. Hasil 1 resep itu 16 cupcake tapi yang mampu dihias bagus cuma 6 biji :s.
Setelah seharian utek-utek di dapur akhirnya jadi juga cupcake hias fondant yang pertama ...yay.. Teddy bear cupcake pertamaku ;o)

There's always first time for everything. First step, first word, first cake, first blogging ^_^.
Here is my first cupcake and my first time use fondant, also my first time to decorate cake. For the cake I use mamon cake recipe from my friend Irene Susianto. For the design I browse sample from Google.
The process not really smooth, some of the cupcake overflow, colouring fondant not as easy as I think, I have about 16 cupcakes but I only manage to decorate about 6 of them :s.
After struggling whole day in the kitchen finally manage to make some pretty cake.So here my first teddy bear cupcake. :D

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