Thursday 3 November 2011

Electric Guitar cake

Ruby udah lama pengen gitar elektrik, Jadi ide buat bikin kue ulang tahunnya yang ke 16. Fang pake marmer cake sebagai basenya, di bentuk seperti gitar. Yang repot itu pas ngehiasnya...susaaaah. Tapi berhasil juga, dan Ruby suka sama kuenya sampe nga mau dipotong pas acara potong kue hehehehe....

My nephew, Ruby, been wanting an electric guitar for a long time. It become an idea to me for his 16th birthday cake. I use marmer cake for the guitar, carving it to guitar shape was piece of cake. Problem come when I tried to decor many details. But I made it YAY for me :D
Ruby loooove his cake, didn't want to cut it at all. When I'm going to put candles, he said the candles will ruin the so I said, I have idea where  should put the they are...

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