Friday 11 November 2011

Bag - Tas

Buat ultah Ci Mei dan Ci Yen yang kebetulan deketan Fang bikin disain tas buat cupcakes ultahnya. Nyoba niru tas Hermes Birkin, Channel dll. Tapi belakangan mengarang model sendiri gara-gara lupa beli edible print buat motif tas wkwkwwk...Hasilnya tetep oke lho :D
Happy Birthday Ci Mei dan Ci Yen..

My sisters' birthday just different 1 day so I bags for their birthday cupcake design since they loooove bags ^_^.  Try to make Hermes Birkin bag look alike, Channel purse etc..But in the end I made my own model cause I forgot to buy edible print for bags motif lol...still good to look at tho :D
Happy Birthday Ci Mei and Ci Yen...

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