Thursday, 24 November 2011

Tazmanian Devil Cake

Tantangan paling baru, carving cake Tazmanian Devil buat ulang tahun Reynaldi. Banyak banget detil-detil yang harus dibuat, ditambah. Hasilnya lumayan buat pertama kali buat :-D

Newest challenge, making Tazmanian Devil carving cake for Reynaldi's birthday. So many details have to be made, to add...And the result..not bad for a first timer :-D

Tazmanian Devil

Big Bike Cupcakes

Project baru...buat motor besar, kamera dan laptop sebagai hiasan cupcake. Pertamanya agak sulit buat motor besar, tapi berhasil juga ^_^

New project... making big bike, camera, and laptop as cupcake topper. At first it's a bit difficult to make big bike, but I manage eventually ^_^

Big Bike set

Repsol Bike 

Saturday, 19 November 2011


Pesenan kue ulang tahun temanya Cars. Pertamanya agak bingung mau nurutin Cars atau Cars 2, tapi karena ulang tahun yang ke-2 jadinya pake Cars 2. Jadi latar belakangnya gedung-gedung bertingkat dan nama-nama kota. Mobil-mobilnya nyonto sebagian dari film Cars dan sebagian dari Cars 2. Jadilah kue ulang tahun tema Cars yang meriah ^_^. Thanks Yen Gun buat pesenannya :-)

Got order birthday cake with Cars theme. Trying to decide want to use Cars or Cars 2 for the referral, since the birthday boy will be 2 years old so I use Cars 2. Tall buildings and city names become the major background for the cake. The cars copy some from Cars and some from Cars 2. Here the birthday cake with a very merry Cars theme ^_^. Thanks to Yen Gun for ordering :-)


Sekeliling kue di tutup hitam putih kaya bendera balap mobil
Around the cake cover by black and white squares look alike racing  flag

Lightning McQueen and Friends 

Friday, 11 November 2011

HO.. HO.. HO..

Natal sebentar lagi, jadi Fang buat contoh cupcake tema natal. Tersedia cupcake set isi 4, ada isi 6, dan ada yang isi 9. Hiasannya ada sinterklas, snowman, kado, pohon natal, rusa kutub, dll. Kuenya marmer cake yang yummy banget :o).Buat Temen-temen yang mau pesan, langsung aja hubungin Fang ya ^_^

Christmas day is just around the corner so I made sample Christmas theme cupcakes. Available in sets consist of 4 pcs, 6 pcs, and 9 pcs cupcakes. With santa claus, snowman, gifts, christmas tree, rudolph the red nosed reindeer, etc. I use yummy marble cake for the cupcakes :o). Just contact me directly if you want to place order ^_^

Bag - Tas

Buat ultah Ci Mei dan Ci Yen yang kebetulan deketan Fang bikin disain tas buat cupcakes ultahnya. Nyoba niru tas Hermes Birkin, Channel dll. Tapi belakangan mengarang model sendiri gara-gara lupa beli edible print buat motif tas wkwkwwk...Hasilnya tetep oke lho :D
Happy Birthday Ci Mei dan Ci Yen..

My sisters' birthday just different 1 day so I bags for their birthday cupcake design since they loooove bags ^_^.  Try to make Hermes Birkin bag look alike, Channel purse etc..But in the end I made my own model cause I forgot to buy edible print for bags motif lol...still good to look at tho :D
Happy Birthday Ci Mei and Ci Yen...

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Electric Guitar cake

Ruby udah lama pengen gitar elektrik, Jadi ide buat bikin kue ulang tahunnya yang ke 16. Fang pake marmer cake sebagai basenya, di bentuk seperti gitar. Yang repot itu pas ngehiasnya...susaaaah. Tapi berhasil juga, dan Ruby suka sama kuenya sampe nga mau dipotong pas acara potong kue hehehehe....

My nephew, Ruby, been wanting an electric guitar for a long time. It become an idea to me for his 16th birthday cake. I use marmer cake for the guitar, carving it to guitar shape was piece of cake. Problem come when I tried to decor many details. But I made it YAY for me :D
Ruby loooove his cake, didn't want to cut it at all. When I'm going to put candles, he said the candles will ruin the so I said, I have idea where  should put the they are...

Engkong dan cucu-cucunya

Pesenan Julie dan Novi buat ulang tahun papanya. Suka bola, suka karaoke, ada keluarga dan sapi-sapi kesukaan Julie...Jadilah tema campur-campur di cupcakenya :D

Julie and Novi's order for their's Dad's birthday. Like soccer, karaoke, want some family figurine and Julie badly want cow so there mixed theme on the cupcakes :D

Karaoke cupcake set

Soccer cupcake

Rombongan sapi-sapi lucu
Cutie cows cupcakes

Engkong dan cucu-cucu
Grandpa and his grandchildren

Halloween cupcake

Menyambut Halloween jadilah bikin cupcake tema seram-seram. Kepilihlah laba-laba, hantu, kelelawar, topi penyihir, sapu terbang, setan merah, vampir, kucing hitam, panci penyihir, dan tentu aja labu oranye nga bole ketinggalan ...

Celebrating Halloween day make me itch to make Halloween theme cupcakes so here the winner to scared your hunger away ^_^ : spider, ghost, bat, witch's hat, flying broom, devil, vampire, black cat, cauldron full of potion, and of course jack o lantern never miss a Halloween :D

Pilihan Reynaldi dan Ruby
Reynaldi and Ruby's choice
Special for Icha

Bright flowery cake

Pesenan khusus dari Evy buat ultah mamanya, kue yang enak pake hiasan simple tapi cantik, so kue koningscroon dipilih dengan hiasan bunga-bunga yang cerah...cantik pokonya ^_^

Special order from Evy for her mom's birthday, delicious cake with simple decoration but have to be pretty. So koningscroon cake become number 1 choice and daisy flower always looks friendly, warm and pretty ^_^

Birthday cake for a very special person

Kue ini dibuat waktu belom belajar ngedekor. Penampilannya agak berantakan, pake bunga gumpaste beli jadi. Tapi dibuat dengan penuh rasa sayang buat orang yang paling spesial, siapa lagi kalo bukan Mama ^_^. Buat ulang tahun mama yang ke- 72 buat kue choc gateux kesukaannya. Berhasil bikin surprise buat Mama yang nga tau sama sekali Fang bikin kue. Padahal 2 hari lho bikinnya, soalnya harus nunggu Mama pergi ke toko dulu baru bisa mulai buat.

This cake was made before I learn how to decorate a cake. The cake a bit messy and I use a ready to use gumpaste flower. But this cake made with lots of love and care for the most special person, my Mom ^_^. For her 72nd birthday I choose to make choc gateux cake which is her fave. Also manage to make a surprise for her. She never suspect I baked any cake at all those days. I need 2 days to bake and decorate, since have to wait till Mom not at home.

Lebaran Cupcake

Ini cupcake sederhana buat perayaan lebaran kemaren. Cocok buat kirim2 ke saudara, teman, tetangga dll.

These are simple cupcakes for aidil fitri celebration. Perfect give away to family, friends, colleague etc,

Phineas and Ferb Challenge

Pertama kali dapet order ini sempet bingung..apaan sich Phineas and Ferb?? Nga pernah denger sama sekali. Jadi mulai lah browsing di Google dan dapet ide buat bikin. Nga gampang ternyata bikin tema ini, tapi akhirnya sukses juga ^_^. Apalagi waktu denger Timothy, yang ulang tahun, sukaaaa sama kuenya...rasanya senaaaaang banget :D.

When this order come, my mind spinning what is Phineas and Ferb?? Never heard of them. So after hours browsing I finally get some ideas.After hours struggling with fondant I manage to finish the Phineas and Ferb cupcakes. The birthday boy, Timothy, love his birthday cake which make me soooo happy :D

Tiered Cowboy Cake

Baru aja selesai kursus ngedekor kue dapet pesenan kue ultah buat gereja. Mereka maunya kue susun pake tema koboy, dan semuanya mau kue asli bukan styrofoam!! Sempet dech.
Tapi untungnya berhasil juga bikin kuenya. Buat kue susun pake mud cake yang stabil, biar nga doyong kiri kanan. Dihias lengkap dengan tokoh koboy, sapi, babi dan anjing coklatnya si koboy ^_^ dan berhasil juga ngebentuk kue paling atas jadi mirip topi koboy. Puji Tuhan semuanya lancar, dan orang-orang di gereja senang dengan kuenya.

I just finish my decorating class, then I get my first birthday cake order. They want tiered cake with cowboy theme and all have to be real cake!!! Got panic attack lol..
Yummy mud cake is chosen for tiered cake. Completed with cowboy figurine, a cow, a pig and a dog also manage carving a cowboy hat as the top cake. Thank God everything went well, the cake pretty and everyone happy with the cake ^_^

Kue Koboy
Cowboy Cake  

Sekaligus bikin miniatur topi koboy dari kue koningscroon (8cm) yang enaaaak pisan :D
For the give away I made miniature cowboy's hat cake (8cm) with delicious koningscroon...perfect :D

Kue Topi Koboy
Cowboy's Hat Cake


Pilihan kue:
Cake choices
Marmer Cake

Marmer Cupcake

Tiramisu cake
Choc Gateux

Mud Cake
Vanila Cake


Lapis Surabaya 

First time

Selalu ada saat pertama untuk segala sesuatu. Langkah pertama, kata pertama, kue pertama, blogging untuk pertama kalinya ^_^.
Pertama kali buat cupcake pake resep mamon cake dari Irene Susianto. Itu juga pertama kalinya ngedekor kue pake fondant. Disainnya nyonto dari hasil browsing di Google.
Prosesnya ternyata nga semulus yang direncanakan. Cupcakenya overflow, kepenuhan pas ngisi..duuuh... Terus ngewarnain fondant juga nga semudah kalo liat di buku ato di web. Hasil 1 resep itu 16 cupcake tapi yang mampu dihias bagus cuma 6 biji :s.
Setelah seharian utek-utek di dapur akhirnya jadi juga cupcake hias fondant yang pertama ...yay.. Teddy bear cupcake pertamaku ;o)

There's always first time for everything. First step, first word, first cake, first blogging ^_^.
Here is my first cupcake and my first time use fondant, also my first time to decorate cake. For the cake I use mamon cake recipe from my friend Irene Susianto. For the design I browse sample from Google.
The process not really smooth, some of the cupcake overflow, colouring fondant not as easy as I think, I have about 16 cupcakes but I only manage to decorate about 6 of them :s.
After struggling whole day in the kitchen finally manage to make some pretty cake.So here my first teddy bear cupcake. :D