Wednesday 22 August 2012

Rainbow oh Rainbow

Demam rainbow melanda Indonesia tahun 2012 ini. Mulai dari kue, cookies, baju, tas semuaaanya warna warni. Jadi penasaran pengen nyoba bikin rainbow cake.
Rainbow fever attacking Indonesia this year lol. Start from cake, cookie, clothes, bags...everything sooo colorful. My curiosity win, I decided to try make a rainbow cake.
1st try
Coba-coba pake resep yang ada aja, ternyata warnanya nga sesuai sama pelangi hahahaha. terus kuenya terlalu tinggi. Rasanya sich enak.
Experimenting with the available recipe...the color not rainbow colors even tho pretty colorful and the cake too tall. Oh well, the taste still complain there :D

Baru kemaren ini nemu resep asli rainbow cake, masih penasaran, coba lagi..
Found the real recipe for rainbow cake, since still curious, I give it another try


Warnanya lumayan, walau warna biru tetep nga keluar. Ukuran udah lebih sesuai, tapi rasanya lebih enak yang pertama hehehe...
The colors close enough, still no blue color tho. Size more acceptable, but the taste not as good as my 1st try...

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