Wednesday 22 August 2012

Flower Pot

Dec 2011 lalu Tacie ultah. Karena yang ultah suka bunga, jadi bikin kue ultahnya model pot bunga. Rencana sich mau bikin bunga anggrek, tapi apa daya buat bunga anggrek ternyata sulit.
Jadi mendadak belajar buat roses...duuuh bikin satu aja lamaaaaa banget. Setelah nyontek banyak buku membuat bunga dan dari website, jadilah kue pot bunga mawar. Kuenya dipilih kue coklat kuno kesukaan Tacie.
Menghias kue ini buru-buru banget soalnya hari Tacie ultah jadi hari pertama pembukaan toko baju batik. Udah nga keburu bikin nama ato tulisan happy birthday dari fondant. Tulisan happy birthdaynya pake yang siap pakai aja dan tanpa nama. Tukang kue nya sekarang jadi tukang jualan baju batik...^_^

Last Dec 2011 is my 1st sis's birthday. I choose to make flower pot cake cause my sis love flowers specially orchid. I plan to make a pot full of orchid, but my skill not meet to make orchid yet. So I browse many books and website about making flowers and settle with roses instead.
For the cake I choose old fashion choc cake which is my sister's favorite.
I decorated this cake with so much haste since the birthday coincidence with the opening of my batik clothes shop. I have no time to make words from fondant anymore, so hv to use the ready to use "Happy Birthday" and the cake hv no name...oh well we can't have it all. Anyway my sister loved the cake ^_^ that's the important thing. And the baker now become shop keeper  :D

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